Tuesday, 31 October 2017

July 3rd - 19th, 1823. The voyage is becoming tedious

July 3rd/4th/5th, 1823 [still languishing on the Atlantic] - Nothing particular; almost a perfect calm. I found my Spanish grammar a great relief, and sometimes I took a book of Linnean transactions.  [Douglas, on Hooker's recommendation, is attempting the 1823 version of Teach-Yourself-Spanish.  Although he'll not need it on this expedition to the eastern seaboard it will prove very handy when he reaches California in a few years time.]

July 9th, 1823 - At 4am heavy shower. I could not but observe how the dogs eagerly licked the decks. Some passengers washing their clothes.

July 18th/19th, 1823 - Water very bad at tea  [What does he mean by this?  Is he describing rough seas or the state of the ‘fresh’ water carried on board?  I suspect, six weeks into the voyage, that it’s the latter, although it’s not going to get any better before they make landfall.]

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